Friday, January 8, 2016

What is the difference between HDD and SSD disks?

A lot of laptops and computer discs now come with new SSD storage that could replace traditional hard disk storage HDD in the future and make it a thing of the past. The question that baffles many of you, What is the difference between a USB flash drive of the type SSD, HDD, and which is better? Would I buy this or that kind?

Storage-type SSD drive

SSD is an abbreviation for Solid State Drive. SSD storage disks can be regarded as a large-sized copy of the USB flash DSC and more complex as there is no in these disks or Flash Disks any moving parts and the data is saved and the files in small microchips chips. There are in all kind of SSD drive controller (Controller) to  read and write data, This controller responsible for speed of these discs.

SSD drives  standard sizes are 1.8, 2.5 and 3.5 inches and are connected to motherboard by  SATA or mini-SATA Cable .

Storage-type HDD disks

HDD is an abbreviation for Hard Disk Drive, an ancient technique still used to this day , the first time  showed in 1956 , this technique been used since almost 57 years. These disks are using a magnetic needle moving and this why we hear the sound of this Hard Disk when working intensively.Rotation speed of these drives about 5400 rpm or 7200 and some of them up to 15,000 rpm, but these drives are often customized devices to the server.

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